DNS Abuse Presentasjoner
Her er en samling av diskusjoner om DNS Abuse (eller generelt om abuse)
A collection of sessions, webinars etc about DNS abuse and/or abuse in general.
DNS Abuse at the IGF 2019 in Berlin
DNS is a core service that is sometimes overlooked. Yet over the past few years, we have observed malicious actors abusing DNS by different means in order to meet their objectives.
But what is DNS abuse? The term can be misleading as it refers to different types of attacks but this is not always clear for the victims.
In this session, CERT.br and Switch.ch will present some of the observed abuses and some of the mitigation measures that can be applied in order to determine different types of DNS abuse as well as measures to prevent, mitigate and recover from these kinds of attacks.
YouTube video
ICANN66: DNS Abuse - End User Concerns
Nov 3 2019. At-Large Policy Session: DNS Abuse - End User Concerns.
Discussion about how to define DNS Abuse and ALAC's recommendations.
Zoom recording.
ICANN66: At-Large video DNS Abuse
At-Large Wiki on DNS Abuse
ISOC: The Domain Name System in the Time of COVID-19: A Technical Perspective
April 9 2020. Recorded webinar.
ISOC: Online Trust and COVID-19: What’s Next for Encryption in Europe?
May 14 2020. Recorded webinar. ISOC/EURALO.
- With the efforts to curb a global health crisis increasingly pushing our lives online, encryption is more important than ever. It helps us secure our work from home, protects the integrity of information and critical health services, and allows states to quickly respond to the pandemic in a secure manner. While the EU has traditionally been in favour of encryption practices, some member states have recently created or proposed policies or laws that undermine encryption through exceptional access for law enforcement and national security purposes. This panel discussion will examine critical role of encryption in navigating a pandemic, and how exceptional access proposals might hinder security, privacy and trust online, while looking into how encryption debate in the EU will be shaped post COVID era and potential challenges that may arise in the upcoming EU legislation on e-privacy and e-evidence.
- Moderator: Ceren Unal, Regional Policy Manager-Europe, Internet Society
- Panelists:
- Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Acting Head of Unit, Cybercrime, European Commission DG-HOME
- Jens Henrik Jeppesen, Director-General, Center for Democracy and Technology Europe
- Klaus Landefeld, Vice Chairman of the Management Board Director Infrastructure & Networks, Eco-Association of the Internet Industry
ISOC: Privacy issues in the aftermath of Covid-19
May 7 2020. Recording of the webinar
Internet & Jurisdiction: Toolkit. DNS Level Action to Address Abuses
DNS Abuse Forum